Portfolio Project 1: Python Scripting

This is the first professional portfolio project of the 100 Days of Code course. Unlike any of the other lessions in this course, the professional projects are pretty open ended and test ones ability to seek out resources as well as test ones knowledge on the concepts covered.

Morse Code App Screenshot

This is the first professional portfolio project of the 100 Days of Code course. Unlike any of the other lessions in this course, the professional projects are pretty open ended and test ones ability to seek out resources as well as test ones knowledge on the concepts covered.

Overall, this project was very managable. Converting text to morse code was fairly easy once the dictionary was created. The real challenge came when trying to convert the morse code text back into English. This part of the project required a bit more research. From my experience with previous lessons involving dictionaries, getting a key from a value, has been a bit of a challenge for me but once I figured this portion out, the rest of the project went smooth. What was really helpful was constantly running the code, ensuring that it was easy to troubleshoot bugs that came up.

My attempt at this project first started by identifying what needs to happen at the end of the completed project. I created a to-do list of tasks that needed to be completed to satisfy the project’s goals. After identifying the goals I broke the project into chunks, testing on smaller code then moving on to larger portions. Once everything was completed, I turned the program into a loop that could both convert to morse code as well as translate morse code.